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Amirgan trip

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Amirgan trip

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Emirgan Trip Stations

Amirgan Garden: One of the largest public parks in Istanbul, in which lavender and tulips grow in spring, which form a festival of colors that attracts attention. It also includes a luxurious restaurant and children’s games.

Tarabya Coast: a coast on the Bosphorus Strait that includes beautiful family parks that make spending some time in it enjoyable for adults and children.

Istina Park Mall: It is one of the largest shopping centers in Istanbul. It includes a number of shops for the most important Turkish and international brands. It also includes a garden, restaurants, seating areas, and children’s games.

Valley Istanbul: It is one of the important shopping and entertainment centers in Istanbul. It includes stores of world-famous brands, as well as children’s games and entertainment centers.

Emirgan Trip Features

Tour guide speaks Arabic and Turkish

Transfers in a private car

Does not include personal expenses


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